How content can help with Sales
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to this week’s video and post where I want to share with you the final component of my sales system which is content, and how content can help with sales. Now, if you’ve watched the other two videos where I talk about the importance and just tried to explain
All of those are going to influence this part of your sales system, which is content.
Here’s how content can help with Sales
When you think about content, a lot of people think about social media exclusively. While social media is an important part of creating attention around your product service or cause, you also want to think about content as things like e-mail in your customer journey.
If you’ve been through the customer journey and you try to define your “what”, your “what” is going to be the communication,
- what you’re going to say
- what are you expecting them to say back
Now, when you’re creating content, you have to be able to think about those things as well. This post and video, for example, are pieces of content that I thought about when thinking about my customer. So my customer that I think about is someone who is either in business and has had some growth in their business or thinking about starting a business, but they haven’t really found a way to get consistent with revenue and get consistent with attracting new customers to their business.
So when I think about my solution, the problem that I’m solving, is that they just don’t know how to get started.
The content that I’m creating is geared toward people who are thinking about how to get started in sales, but just don’t know where to start.
So all of my content is in the hope of guiding people through that process as smoothly as possible. I try to break things down so that you don’t have to be overwhelmed with fear and think “I just can’t do it”, because sales is no special gift.
How to get started creating content
So when you’re creating content, it can be overwhelming to get started no matter what I say about all these other things, getting started is the hardest part about content. and staying started, which means being consistent with anything you’ve ever tried to do something new.
If you’ve ever tried creating content for social media, you probably have (or had) a lot of excitement in the beginning, but getting going and staying going is really really hard, and that’s why I want to introduce you to the 15-minute content planner.
Plan 2 months of content in 15 minutes
It’s a free guide on my website. If you go to, you can get a copy of that. It will walk you through the real simple three-step process. I’ve gone through and still go through to create content consistently.
I’m not a writer, can I still produce content?
Now the good part about the content pillar is that you don’t actually have to have the other parts of your sales system defined yet.
For example, knowing who your customer really a good thing, but you don’t have to start with knowing that. When you get going with content. the point is meant to educate, or create awareness about your product service and cause, and the way to do that is to talk about it.
Now, talking about yourself or your product, if you’re anything like me, may have you feeling cringe. You feel like “Oh, no, I’m being too something, too much about me. It’s not supposed to be about me. It’s supposed to be about my customer“.
The winning formula for creating content
That is exactly the winning formula. If you think “your content is for your customer“, because you believe in your product and service so much that it helps people and it changes their lives for the better, then, of course, you want to talk about it.
What to talk about
What you want to talk about is not the product. Nobody wants to talk about a phone. Everyone wants to talk about what the phone does for them. The convenience that it creates for them. Nobody wants to talk about a nappy cream, but everyone wants to talk about how the baby is free of nappy rash. Nobody wants to talk about moody teenagers, but everybody wants to talk about how your teenager is much happier than they were before they started a programme that you provide.
So talking about your customer, and talking about your product in the way that it solves problems, is a much better way to produce and focus on content. Then it’s not all about you, and it’s not all about your product either. It’s all about the customers that you’re trying to help and that is the point of sales.
Nobody should ever sell ice to an Eskimo
Eskimos don’t need ice
I hope this helped you understand a little bit more about the sales system and how content can help with Sales. If you are struggling to define your sales system or you’ve given it a go and you’d love someone just to have another look at it, please feel free to reach out to me on my website at and you’ll find my details there.
You can also just reply to any of the emails that I send you. I promise you, it’s me behind the email, not a robot, and I’d be happy to reply to you. My name is Richard and I hope that this has been useful, and I’ll see you in the next post.