Build Trust with your content
Do you want to know how to build trust with your content?
So you’re practising your voice, your stories, your ideas, your concepts, the things you like, you’re practising speaking it out loud, whether you’re creating a video like this one that you’re watching, or whether you’re writing A blog post those ways for you to practise getting out your views, finding your style when you just have it in your head. What you are also practicing is how to build trust with your content
IT doesn’t kind of get out, doesn’t. You know you don’t get to practise. That’s not practise. Things that sit in your head aren’t practice. I can visualise myself hitting a ball, a cricket ball, or a tennis ball but until I actually pick up a bat, I’m never going to know if I’m any good.
It’s with that first bat, that ball, then I’ll find out if I’m good or not. I may suck. I mean, honestly, I probably will suck. I once had a cricket ball fly into my face.
The more you practise. The better you get.
It’s amazing. The more you practise, the better you are going to get at it. The more you’re going to get more comfortable with your voice, your style, and the stuff that you start to create, so it’s your story, your voice, and your content that people are going to resonate with. And when they resonated with it you’ll do something amazing.
You will build up trust so your voice practised Builds trust
If you are not sure where to start with building up content then consider downloading and using my 15-minute content planner
How to get started with content
If you want to get started with creating content but you’ve tried and just keep getting stuck, then download my 15-minute content plan that will guide you on how to get started creating 2 months of content in just 15 minutes.