How to get started making your own video
Life has many perspectives
I captured this image while recording a video for someone that asked the question, “How do I get started creating video”.

Here’s my advice
Just hit record
Hitting that record button is the hardest part of all. For years, I faffed around and did everything except hit record. There is more you will learn in hitting record than any other activity
Record for longer
Letting the camera record while you’re getting ready is as powerful as hitting record. It allows you to breathe and relax. Your computer or phone or camera has more space than you think a video recording will take up. Don’t do takes, just hit record and take your time
Perfection suffocates
Then learn to edit.
Here’s a full video of me sharing my thoughts and showing you how a message can unfold when you record for longer. Normally I’d cut a lot of this out to make the message clear and more to the point, but I wanted to share a full recording so you get to experience just what it’s like.
In the end, I like to full format of this video and wouldn’t edit anything. Well, maybe more of the sunrise. That was dope!